The building of the Port Germein Jetty followed much lobbying of the Government by the farmers and merchants of the district during 1879 and 1880. Tenders were called for the construction of the Jetty in September 1880, and work had commenced on its construction before the end of that year. Building was completed in June 1881 and by 1883 the jetty had been extended a further 400 feet. At that time, it was 5459 feet and was one of the longest jetties in the southern hemisphere.
The completion of the Port Germein Gorge Road (Back Creek Gorge) through the ranges meant the vast tonnage of wheat reaped from the Willochra Plains could be transported via the Gorge Road to be shipped out from the magnificent new Jetty.
With roads in the far northern areas being in very poor condition, suppliers and passengers were also transported by coastal vessels which arrived regularly at Port Germein.
From these early days, the Jetty has played a vital role in the lives of the residents of Port Germein and the hinterland. As its trading importance waned during the latter half of the 20th Century, its role as a recreational area has assumed growing importance. Families have built holiday shacks, fisherman, crabbers, swimmers and picnickers have come to rely on the Jetty as being the centre of their activities. This is never more obvious than on New Years Day when Port Germein continues to attract large number of revellers and supporters as it has done for so many years.
The Jetty has been placed on the National Trust Recorded list and also the State Heritage List in 1985.